new iPad is finally announced by Apple. So what is the big deal?
1. new iPad display has 2x of the resolution, and it is retina display, same like iPhone4/4S
2. new iPad is 4G, via LTE
3. new iPad has Bluetooth 4.0 [for lower power maybe?]
4. new iPad now has 5MP primary camera [iPad2 with sucky 0.7MP only]
Okay, why I still not buying new iPad even though it is so good.
1. new iPad cannot make phone call Yes, you can argue that we can use Skype, FaceTime, Tango, etc to make phone call with other iPad/iPhone/Android, but I still can't use new iPad to call my grand parent which still using conventional wired telephone.
2. Typing on new iPad still sucks In fact, typing on any capacitive screen is sucks. The best keyboard is still the original computer keyboard, where you can feel it and no need to look a the keyboard during typing. If you ask about touch screen keyboard, then resistive screen is the best one, it is because it is based on pressure, so I will not type the wrong key. On capacitive screen (on new iPad and almost all new touch screen smartphones), I have to lift the finger up to not to touch the screen, and typing in this condition sucks
3. I don't like iOS interface Has the interface change since the very first version of iOS? Well, it changed a bit from generation to generation, which folders, and you can organize it. Unless you jail break it, which many people prefer not to, you will stuck with same old interface that has pages and pages of square icons. Boring! The best mobile device interface is on Windows Mobile, where the choices are endless. I can change to HTC Flo, or Resco, or SPB, and many more type of launchers. Too bad Microsoft killed WM.
4. new iPad is still limited to internal memory 64GB is too little for a guy like me. I store pictures, musics, movies, and anything that I can throw in. If I can add external SD card, it will not full fill my need, but it will help a bit. All iPad do not support external SD card, sad. You can argue that we can use
cloud, but that will cost a lot of money if too much data being stream between cloud and iPad.
5. New iPad is bulky It is the best tablet but I still can't fit it into my pocket. Samsung Galaxy Note still okay to fit in, but not iPad.
6. new iPad is suitable for casual web surfing and games only New iPad is not suitable for series games and serious blogger like me. I did tried blogging on another tablet (Dell SL, touch screen with Windows 7), but it sucks big time. I can write articles and switch windows and continue writing without any problem. Also if I break the keyboard and mouse while playing games, I can replace them, nice and cheap. If I break the new iPad, that's it, new iPad is break.
Summary, this is just my 2-cent. Do not buy new iPad because you think want to buy one or someone told you to buy one.
However there will be many people still line-up at Apple Store to buy
iPad3 new iPad soon.
update: I found this YouTube video with some dude rant about
iPad3 new iPad (warning - not safe for kids):
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source: I wrote this!
new iPad picture credit of
p/s: Originally I wrote the article with "iPad3" name, but later found out it is call "new iPad" now, therefore "new iPad"