Outdated Penang Uncle

Friday, December 23, 2011

Publish your blog into PDF and Kindle and ePub

Blog is a dream of everyone who wish to publish their idea. Think of the time before internet, to publish an article, we have to send the article to every single news papers or magazine publishers at downtown and hope that the editor like it very much and publish it. Painful right?
At the time of free website (geocities and so on), there are too many stuffs to configure, too many codes to take care just to make the website looks okay only.
But when blog came out, it is super easy to publish our idea, pictures, and video. There are tens of thousands of blog template that freely available. Since then everyone become publisher.

However what if you want to convert your blog into an PDF or Kindle or ePub, so that you could print it out as a book. Of course you can send it to a publisher, but how much it would cost?

Recently I saw this website that provide free service to convert blog or website into PDF or Kindle or ePub a.k.a. your book! And it is free. Yes, free with limited features, but with the first 20 posting that being included into your book would be a good start to publish it.

I use Zinepal to publish this blog into a book (PDF/Kindle/ePub).

Even without sign up with Zinepal, I can convert this blog into a book. But I cannot customize it. So I sign up for a free account and edit the layout.

So here it is, my "book" ;-)

Of course there is no free lunch in this world, Zinepal will include their link into the book. But this is good start. If you feel like want to really publish a real PDF without ads, you can sign up for pro account.

I would not introduce something that need to be pay here. Because I am Outdated Penang Uncle!

Merry Christmas for those celebrating and happy holiday!
Happy New Year to everyone!

Hope you will enjoy this post, subscribe to my RSS or mailing list or follow me on blogger or twitter. :)
source: I wrote this!


  1. That's cool! The very mention of Kindle sends ripples of foreboding trickling through the established fields of traditional publishing and bookselling; and with good reason. Not only are sales of the Kindle reader booming worldwide but so too are the instances of everyday usage on planes, trains, buses, parks and beaches. Thus, there shouldn't be any reason why you won't be publishing your ebook.

  2. @publishkindle, I will try to. thanks.

  3. @mary brown, nowadays everyone can publish online :)
