Outdated Penang Uncle

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Free ringtones and games for phone

Yikes, I only found out recently there is a website for us to download free ringtones, games, wallpapers, video and txt (sms) for free for phone. Well there should be more than one website doing that, but I like this website for a few reason.

1. The free stuffs uploaded by users, so you can get as many stuffs as possible.
2. Customize the website to find the stuffs that suites your phone.
3. Download directly from phone [read this: telco charges and some other charges applies!] [download to PC is free, so I download the ringtones and etc to my PC first and then copy to my phone]
4. It even offer to create the ringtones, wallpapers and themes on the website and you can publish it to the world wide web! [registration require]

Opps... I forgot to put the website link, here you go [zedge.com link]

Warning: this website contains adult stuffs, make sure you don't get caught by your manager if you surfing/downloading from this site. I am not responsible for anything and anyhow if you surf it. :P
It has a filter call family filter, when you turn it on, it should be adult free. :D

p/s: I don't get any incentive (a.k.a. money) from this website. Click on the ads on this blog to support me. :)

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Source: internet


  1. 吹水uncle:
    thank for your info... it's cool ~!

    Btw, any news or comment about the iphone 5 in malaysia? haha..(plan to enroll in any data package, but still no ideas which one should i choice.. black+berry or i+phone? haha)

  2. Cannot ask people to click on your ads lo. ^_^

  3. @chua, you are welcome. iPhone5? it will be still expensive in Malaysia...... same as the data plan..... but if you looking for a lot of apps to play with, iPhone is better.

    @Jayce, really r?
